Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)


Become Digital Signature Partner | Reseller | Dealer | Franchise | Associates | DSP| LRA | LRAA AND ISSUE DIGITAL SIGNATURE FROM YOUR OWN OFFICE.

Get Digital signature certificate (DSC) For MP online/MP Portal

Mponline Digital Signature Certificate, DSC


Mponline Digital signature Certificate

Recently mponline  lunch online portal for all Mp government project with help of mponline digital signature certificate. e-governance of madhya pradesh aims to directly serve the services to general public.

Digital signature certificate required for use this portal and register in portal. Class 2 and class 3 both digital signature use for this portal. DSC provide  high security of this portal and encrypt your message or data.

How to apply digital signature for mponline

Digital signature provide high security and encrypt of your data and message. With help of digital signature certificate you can create your account on mp online portal and login your account. 

You can use this type of certificate to encrypt you message and authorized recipient can read this. You can use this type of certificate to sign any documents or pdf file. These file use and accept by mp online portal. 

Signyourdoc provide digital signature certificate for mp online and services and support regarding this. You can purchase digital signature and we help you to use this. 



How to Digital Sign applicant’s scanned document

  • Download the Digital Sign from the given link –

    URL :-

    Save the downloaded folder in your system and execute “ImageCompressMergeSign.jar” File.

  • Open Digital Signature Utility –







  • Select the scanned JPG or JPEG File (No other format is accepted)







  • Click on Compress button to minimize the image size









  • Image is compressed Click on “OK” button.





  • Select compressed image from “Select Image Files”







  • Insert Digital Signature Dongle in your system first.

  • After Plugging the Digital Signature Dongle, click on “Sign Digitally” button.







  • Select your certificate







  • Enter password of your Digital Signature.







  • Your file has been digitally signed and converted into .DSD format

  • This file will be saved in the same location where source file is saved.

  • While filling up the application form on E-District portal upload digitally signed documents in .dsd file format only.



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