Digital Signature for ICEGATE 

Digital Signature Certificates are easy to be used on ICEGATE (Indian Customs EDI Gateway) portal. Indian Customs EDI Gateway (ICEGATE) helps the user to register their organizations on the Indian Customs EDI system website. All the individuals, whether they are any Importers/Exporters/CHAs/Airlines/Shipping Agents etc. or any trade partners (Banks, Custodians/FSSAI, etc.) or Government Agencies (DGFT/Ministry of Steel, etc.), connect ICEGATE for document filing, data sharing under Customs Business Process or for administrative, statistical, and analytical or political purpose.

That’s how the DSC for ICEGATE comes into play. It provides Remote EDI Services (RES) to the trade and industry for filing documents, data exchange, e-payment, status inquiry, document tracking, query-reply, etc.


Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for ICEGATE

To beat the challenges like an impersonation of the identity of the registered user, tracing the identity of users, misuses of the credibility of accredited clients, etc. there was a requirement to implement digital signature for the documents/ messages receiving/forwarding electronic to and fro the customs business partners, stakeholders, and other Govt. Agencies. With the help of class 3 DSC for ICEGATE, you can make your ICEGATE filling work easy and convenient.

Benefits Of Using Class 3 DSC for ICEGATE

You can use the Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates for ICEGATE for the reasons:

  •  For secure email and web-based transactions, or to identify other participants of web-based transactions.
  •  To prove ownership of an internet site name and establish SSL/ TLS encrypted secured sessions between your website and thus the user for web-based transactions.
  •  It also helps the developers to validate the authorship of a code and retaining the integrity of the distributed software programs.
  •  For signing web forms, e-tendering documents, filing tax returns, accessing membership-based websites automatically without entering a username and password, etc.

In case you need any help or support, feel free to reach us. We would be happy to help.

Icegate Digital Signature – How To Update Digital Signature In Icegate

Digital signature is mandatory in costume icegate site. If you want to entry of bills, shipping bills, IGM, EGM, CGM you need digital signature for that. signyourdoc allow use to apply class 3 digital signature online. It;s very easy and simple to apply online. 

Class 3 Digital signature for costume icegate site. You need to sign all the bill with this class 3 digital signature and you can upload on icegate costume site

How to get icegate Digital Signature online

icegate digital signature

Directorate of System is in the process of implementing use of icegate Digital Signature
Certificate for filing Customs documents through Remote EDI System (RES) like Bills of Entry, Shipping Bills, IGM, EGM, CGM etc.

All Importers, Exporters, Customs Brokers, Shipping Lines, Airlines or their agents who are authorized to file document (BE/SB/IGM/EGM/CGM etc.) through Remote EDI System (RES)

Are advised to use valid Class – III Digital Signature Certificate issued by any Certifying Authority (CA) under CCA-India (list of CAs available at and sign documents with the help of web-based Common Signer Component available at ICEGATE website.

It is important to mention here that use of Digital Signature Certificate for filing Customs documents may be made mandatory very soon.

How to update digital signature in icegate

Follow these steps:- 

  1. Install java 1.6 or higher
  2. Allow java to run in your browser
  3. configure java setting to support digital signature application 
  4. Open icegate site
  5. go to tools and add site as compatibility view
  6. Login your account 
  7. Click on View profile option 
  8. After that click on Digital signature update
  9. Once initialized icon appears, click on “click here to upload DS”
  10. A new window will appear and select your digital signature.
  11. Select your certificate name
  12. Click on submit and success message will we displayed.
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